Dogs are often seen alone, but horses are often accompanied by other furry creatures. No horse show would be complete without a ratio of one dog to every three horses. It seems they go together like leathers and stirrups.
Our eight-year-old, Golden Retriever, Winston, is not intimidated by anything. But at the barn, his nature becomes passive. He beholds the giant horses with uncharacteristic reverence.

Joey, the pony I learned to ride on, had wonderful confirmation. (He still does but now he’s happily retired.) When Joey jumped, his feet were tucked in a perfect, symmetrical arc. He tantalized the judges, awed the crowds, and won many ribbons.
But dogs played an important role during Joey’s formative years. On a ranch in California, when Joey was first learning to jump, the owner allowed her collection of Corgis to run around the arena. No doubt that’s where Joey learned to tuck to perfection – it was either that or risk stepping on a prized pet.

Last week, newcomers to the barn allowed their black lab puppy to run free. The Ferrier, who had a horse in the crossties, called out a warning, “If you want that puppy to see its first-year birthday, you’ll keep it away from this horse.”
Lesson learned. Not all is perfect in the world of horses and dogs.
